March Update – Ides and Whatnot


It’s been a minute, as things usually go around these parts. Slow progress is still progress. Sometime back in January I decided that this was going to be the year I wrangle all my brain weasels and I seem to be making slow and steady progress on that as well as on my books. We keep going!

What Am I Working On?

Gil Girau Chronicles – Book One is still technically in revision but only because the farther I get into Book Two, the more I find that I need to foreshadow. There will soon come a point at which I just have to say “good enough” and get some beta readers’ eyeballs on this thing, as well as an editor. If I can get my art chops back for more than a few hours at a time, I’ll also start working on cover art and maps. (I do love me a good map.) As for Book Two, I’m caught up to and now beyond the point that I managed to reach in November, evaluating plots, and slowly building out more of the world as I go. I like to think that I’m more of a planner than a discovery writer, but sometimes I do get halfway through a plan only to discover that it’s wrong for the story. Current word counts for books one and two are 105k and 62k respectively. (Which is part of why they’re taking so long – ya boi ain’t used to writing 100k word novels. 😀 This is a good thing.)

Salt 2: Electric Boogaloo – Still on standby, but I’ve heard the cat is moving. (If you know, you know.) It’s been a slow and weird couple of years for both of us and this perpetually-delayed book is proof of that.

Secret Project – I have this bad habit of naming things in blog posts that never end up going anywhere or end up on the back burner cooking for months/years. But rest assured. There is another. There are actually a couple others, but I tend to rotate the back burner between them. They both involve worldbuilding and dinosaurs. Absolute shocker, I know.

The march goes on! Somewhat haphazardly, because I was never cut out to be a drum major, but at least I can keep a beat. Have a good Salad Day and keep on keeping on, y’all.